Godelieve Willer
Master Teacher & Mentor,
Multi-Dimensional Energy Reader
& Seer...
...Heart-Opening Activator and Lover of ALL THAT IS.
“Labels” become so limiting when we really open to the vastness of our consciousness and what we are truly capable of. Godelieve is a powerful multi-dimensional energy reader, Seer, heightened multi-sensory intuitive mentor, and much more. And she believes we all have the capacity to open up to our multi-dimensional nature and unlock our own spiritual gifts.
Having a “foot in many worlds” Godelieve acts as a bridge and conduit between dimensions and realms to bring wisdom, deep healing and activations to those who are ready to awaken to their True Nature and open their unique gifts to manifest here and now.
Her profound and rare ability to perceive consciousness gives her an unparalleled insight into one's alignment with their Higher Self consciousness and embodied life's purpose. Because of her remarkable ability to see into the depths of your energetic makeup, she can see into the depths of the hidden psyche to the highest potentials existing beyond your current reality and imagination. This rare ability enables her to masterfully hone in to remove blocks to embodying your True Nature and clearing a path to your Divine Potential.
She is a passionate, high level Master Teacher and Mentor who puts you on an accelerated path to reclaiming your Power and remembering Who you came here to be.
“I teach from the Heart. I am fully committed to following my Heart and exemplifying and open Heart. I am passionate about supporting and empowering you to step into your creator-ship; to embodying your divinity here in physicality now. To assisting you to open your Heart and mind further to re-connect you to your True Self and introduce you to your own Divine potential.” ~ Godelieve
For interview requests, or to invite Godelieve to speak at your event, please email godelieve@godelievewiller.com.
Curious to know more? Continue below to read a tiny bit about my story...
This is a bit about what makes me different... I'd love to find out what makes you different, because YOUR DIFFERENCE is the difference that is needed in the World NOW!
Multi-dimensional and multi-sensory intuitive, energy reader & Seer, blah blah. What exactly does that mean?
Simply put, through multiple senses, I am able to perceive (see, feel, know, hear and more) energetic information and tap into your being beyond the physical and beyond this dimension. I see the degree to which your Higher Self is wanting to come through to merge with your awareness in this experience in the body here and now. I perceive the blockages and resistance and how to shift what no longer serves you. I see your unique genius and special gifts you have to offer the World.
I have not always been doing what i do now though. In the past, I've also been an independent, international business consultant for over 15 years, and a certified coach, having worked with multi-national corporations and start-ups alike. Previous to that I owned/operated several business (product & service oriented) before the current one I operate now. So I've cultivated a nice marriage of left and right brain functions!
At a certain point I felt urgently called to begin sharing what i perceive in order to help others step into their true Divine Nature. No more 'hiding' my true gifts and working as a corporate business consultant...it was time to fully step into own my Divine Nature and unique higher purpose on the planet. I discovered how to blend the mystical with the practical (my nature is very down to Earth), to offer applicable real-life solutions, insights and strategies to those ready to awaken more of their innate potential. Catalyzing them to open up and blossom into their power and step into their true Divine Nature and embodiment of their Higher Selves, while in the body!
I was born with "intact" memories, awareness and oneness consciousness (i literally feel connected to everything, which is why I am able to feel into your Being - because i see you as an extension of myself..). I did not "forget" everything upon embodiment in this world the way the game is set up for us to forget.. This led to a very difficult and uncomfortable, very painful and confusing life (including severe trauma and abuse)..until i began to understand why i was the way i was and different from everyone else, and also not only why i was here - but what my motivation for being here was. When i stopped resisting my "difference" and stopped tying to be "normal", and began to own and appreciate my unique difference, everything in my life began to quickly change. I began to rapidly heal my traumas, expand my awareness in leaps and bounds and even gifts that i had shut down as a child came back online. My life began to make sense and i was crystal-clear in my purpose for being here at this time...
There is so much more to my story (leading up to this moment, I'm sure yours is "a long story" as well!) and i'd love to share more and learn about yours, so I hope we get the chance to meet and know each other!
"I help people let go of who they are not, and help them open up to who they truly are - including showing them their unique gifts and abilities."
A Little Extra Background for Business Owners, Executives and Entrepreneurs...
After working with so many business owners, top executives and entrepreneurs, I began to see a common theme:
Almost all of them had these beautiful hearts, hidden in the boardroom but, that were wanting to burst open. And in my coaching or consulting sessions with them, their Higher Selves would be hovering around them. I realized that they were wanting to ‘connect’ into the body. The individuals needed to be Heart-activated so that more of who they really were could come forth, so the Heart could come on line, in line with the Mind and the desired connections could be made.
I would receive all kinds of information about them (none of which i shared at that time in my life). I wanted to share what i saw and help people in this way, but i was too afraid of being called a flake, or fired! So i stuck to strictly business talk, even though my clients often joked about me being psychic and often wondered "how did you know that??" They were impressed by how i knew and "saw" things that nobody else noticed.
Eventually, my own Higher Self instructed me it was time to come out of hiding; it was time for me to own my own Divine Nature and use my innate gifts to be of service. As you can imagine, I had my own ‘resistance’ come up around "coming out" of hiding and working in this way. How do you tell a business executive that their Higher Self is asking me to tell them something?? Well - eventually i moved through all my fears (read: terror) and resistance to stepping out as myself - my true Self.
I eventually left the corporate world to focus on working with individuals at first, who were "open to" the concepts i would share about (i never imagined that there would be literally millions of people ready to awaken their Divinity - I discovered this later!). I made the commitment to myself that I was not going to pretend to be "normal" or try to fit in anymore. I finally made the decision to own Who I Am, and step into my purpose now. And i haven't looked back. It feels SO GOOD to LIVE IN ALIGNMENT WITH WHO YOU TRULY ARE and to be of service in your own unique way!
Which has led to you reading these words right now.
Now i work with many business owners and entrepreneurs, but in a much more profound way; I assist these leaders who are feeling stuck or confused and who would like to release what's holding them back (like fear and self-sabatoge) in order to allow clarity, purpose and excitement for their business like never before = an empowered, heart-centred leader.
I often say "in order to experience a greater version of your business, you must experience a greater version of yourself." Because of this, clients receive a total up-leveling of their business and purpose and a total revamp of how they show up in their business. A more empowered leader with increased value output in their business with corresponding increased revenues, success and joy through work. We literally re-create the invisible foundation and energy of your business!
My Heart is filled with joy, gratitude and so much Love to be working with the Beautiful Hearts i am honoured to assist!
Allow me to show you the unique magic that you hold, and assist you to open to your unique gifts and purpose NOW!