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Forest Trees

Private Sessions

All Sessions conducted online...Godelieve works with people around the globe!

Hidden "Block" Discovery & Removal Session
45 min

Clear your biggest block or area of resistance to your next level in your authentic expression or Purpose work. 

Do you sometimes feel like there is some kind of block or level of resistance to you moving forward on your path, or taking action towards your Heart's desires? Or would you like to have clarity on what's keeping you stuck in a rut, or why you keep butting up against the same challenges or experiences?


During this session we will begin to actively address your block(s) to powerfully resolve them in real-time. You will discover what the main block getting in the way for you is, and powerfully remove it, gleaming the powerful lessons and insights behind it before lovingly releasing it for good.  Finally be released from the bondage of old patterns, wounding or limiting beliefs - and be empowered and inspired to move forward on your Path with more Ease and Grace!   


After this session, clients overwhelmingly feel lighter and expanded with a sense of joy and upliftment, feeling empowered and excited to move forward on their unique path. 

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Hidden Block Discovery 
$180 USD

Intuitive Gifts Expansion & Mentoring

45 min

Explore and Expand Your Intuitive Abilities to Unlock More of Your Unique Potential

I will assist you to uncover and dissolve resistance and interferences that prevent you from recognizing and developing your unique gifts and abilities.

If you’ve ever had the thought - “I wish I had someone to mentor me in developing my gifts, to give me individual, specialized attention for my unique needs”, or feel like “no one understands me” - then I'm the mentor for you!

I will observe how you work with the energies and information wanting to come in, and notice where you have blocks or bottlenecks in the flow and translation of those energies.

I will assist you to connect with your Higher Self and tune in to other beings, energies, and consciousnesses. I will offer strategies for you to work with the different sources of information wanting to come through for you, and will share valuable insights allowing you to open your gifts up further and tap into more of your own potential as an intuitive.

In addition to mentoring you to better understand and utilize your gifts, I may:

  • Remove ‘scar’ tissue that may be preventing you from feeling and sensing more, and address any fears that present around accessing or using your gifts in service now

  • Clear layers of self-doubt, confusion, or frustration and explain how these hinder your abilities

  • Assist you to become more aware and sensitive to the energies flowing in and around you

  • Offer messages from your Higher Self, Guides and other Consciousnesses around you

  • Share insights and validation, assisting you to give yourself permission to step into your Power now.

This session will help you understand more about what’s possible for you, expand your ability to access and utilize your Gifts, and unlock more of your unique Divine potential! 

Note: Programs & courses are available for opening & expanding your gifts - check out the "Transformational Programs " page to see current program options. 

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Intuitive Gifts Mentoring
$180 USD

Power Coaching Session

45 min

Godelieve has been a certified coach since 2009 and has coached over a thousand sessions, coaching individuals, teams and groups. Known for her laser-like precision in identifying patterns and potentials. She has experience with a large variety of both business topics (including how a person's own psyche influences their business success or failure) as well as  matters related to the Soul and Spiritual gift development.

She uses master level intuitive abilities to see, feel, hear and know clearly what is presenting to be learned, shared, or resolved - in a potent, laser-precise and fast manner!

Book a coaching session with Godelieve to get clear insight, clarity and confidence to move forward on your path!   

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Power-Hour Coaching 
$160 USD

-- The following Sessions are not available for stand-alone purchase; see individual descriptions for access details.--

Psychic Pathways Assessment Reading ✨
+ Psychic Blocks Uncovered

50 min

How open or closed are each of your Clair (or "psychic") pathways? 

What needs to occur in order, for you specifically, to perceive more psychic information?

Do you have a psychic strong-suit?

Where are you in resistance to fully expressing your gifts now? 


Find out the status of your Clair-pathways and what’s ready to occur for you in this very detailed and enlightening, 1-1 intimate reading experience! 


Receive a personal, in depth psychic assessment of each of your major “Clair” pathways to uncover where you uniquely hold blocks or resistance to accessing each pathway, and where you are naturally more open or "gifted." 
During this live 1-1 interaction with you, I will be looking at each of your individual 4 major “Clair” pathways: 

  • Clairvoyant 

  • Clairgnosis

  • Clairsentient

  • Clairaudient


Learn how much each pathway is being used currently, compared to what’s possible for you now. You’ll discover what’s preventing you from accessing more of your Clair gifts, and find out what wants to occur to take the next step in your evolution. I will share with you what I see and what messages your Higher Self or Guiding Ones have for you in relation to opening up access to your gifts now.  


Plus - discover if you have a psychic “strong suit” and if so, what it is! 

In this revealing experience, I will also be sharing with you an important and necessary next step in your psychic expansion… 


+ Your “Domino” block Revealed

At the end of this assessment & reading I will share with you your “domino” piece that needs to be addressed first for greatest impact and allow the next pieces to fall into place. What I call the “domino” block, that when released or transmuted, causes a cascade or “domino” effect affecting your expansion overall. 


A lot comes through this 1-1 assessment & reading. This is a LIVE interaction so you will be able to ask questions, get clarification and the recording will be provided to you. 


This experience immediately brings light & new awareness in about yourself and energetic makeup, can immediately catalyze a shift and transformation and cause a new perspective of what’s possible for you!


This Reading is included in all Private Mentoring programs and is included with the Psychic Perception Illumination + Expansion Package. This unique reading is not currently available for stand-alone purchase. 

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Psychic Pathways Assessment
$265 USD

This unique reading is not available for stand-alone purchase. See description bottom.

Higher Potentials Revelation Timeline Reading
+ Quantum Leap Session!

60 min

Your Higher Potentials revealed!  PLUS, make a QUANTUM LEAP, bringing you closer to your highest potential!


In this powerful private session & reading, I will reveal the higher potentials that exist for you, in this timeline or a higher timeline that is within reach. These are fascinating & incredibly inspiring, and totally unique to you & your path!

Find out what your Higher Self & Guiding Ones want to share with you about what’s possible for you, and moreover - what’s beckoning you forth now.

While each reading is unique for each person, common examples of what are revealed include:

  • The stage you’re currently in (what’s occurring within you now) & the path you’re on

  • Your new skills & abilities coming online

  • Your new work/purpose in the world

  • The ‘vibrational alignment’ of the ‘Future You’ (timeline is specified) & how ‘close’ this reality is now

  • What occurs (or needs to occur) in order to become that ‘Future You’ or step into a new timeline

  • The energy signature of your Higher Self

  • The "breadcrumbs" to let you know you are heading towards that future desired vision...


I will share with you what I see is already in form-ation within your field (the energy that is gathered in a certain momentum or direction already), share with you how you can create momentum in your desired "direction", and share with you the higher possibilities laying ahead for you now! I will also reveal what needs to occur in order to make a 'quantum leap’ to a higher timeline...

As a potent Multi-Dimensional Energy Reader & Seer, working with timelines & assisting clients to make ‘quantum leaps’ towards their highest potential, I will guide and facilitate a quantum leap onto a higher timeline trajectory, aligning the "current" you with your higher potentials and your desired  "future" you into one timeline trajectory...!

This is an enlightening experience where you’ll be able to ask questions & get inspired for what’s next for you! 


This unique and powerful Session is included in all Private Mentoring programs. This Session is not currently available for stand-alone purchase.   

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Higher Potentials Reading + QLeap
$300 USD

This unique Session is not available for stand-alone purchase. See description bottom.

Directing Your Energy + Optimal Grounding Assisted Experience ✨

50 min

Get Guided Clairvoyant Assistance with Live Optimization - on the spot!  


Receive a real-time personal assessment of where you’re holding your energy, and the flow of your consciousness; PLUS live, real-time guided Clairvoyant (and more) assistance to optimally align your energy and ground yourself - on the spot.  

I will be guiding you to make ‘adjustments’ as needed, and you will experience what optimal grounding is for you - and feel the difference!


In this totally unique, (and often exhilarating!) experience, you will:  


  • Discover where “YOU” are in relation to your body

  • Experience in real-time your alignment adjust and optimize for flow, ease, support, and receiving!

  • Begin to familiarize yourself with your own energy field 

  • You’ll discover your energetic tendencies and receive insight & suggestions to adjust limiting ones for your advantage, instead of limitation

  • Open up, bond and strengthen your connection with Mother Earth, and allow yourself to receive more energetic support now

  • Finally know when you are optimally grounded - and feel the difference!


I am able to clairvoyantly see and perceive in multiple ways, your energy and consciousness; including where you hold your consciousness in relation to your body. I will assist you to direct your own energy and achieve ‘optimal grounding’, for you!


Optimal grounding is a foundational building block you must master if you do energy work (such as Reiki) or want to work with subtle energy in any form (channelling, energy healing, intuitive reading, mediumship, animal communication, etc…).  

This Reading is included in all Private Mentoring programs and is included with the Mastering Subtle Energy Program and the Direct Your Own Energy Playshop Series.   

This unique Experience is not currently available for stand-alone purchase

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DYOE Assisted Experience
$197 USD

This unique Session is not available for stand-alone purchase. See description bottom.

All Sessions conducted online...Godelieve works with people around the globe!

Private Mentoring 💖

If you’ve ever had the thought - “I wish I had someone to mentor me in developing my gifts, to give me individual, specialized attention for my unique needs”, or feel like “no one understands me” - then Godelieve is the mentor for you!

Inquire about this special opportunity by sending an email to with "private mentoring" in the subject line, and you will be sent a document with details and options.  These spots book up quickly, so if you are interested you can also book a spot in advance.   Several options and packages are available.  Each option comes with exclusive access and bonus goodies and support! 

This is deep work!! 


Need help deciding where to start or which option is right for you?
Book a
free 15-minute consult to help you assess which offering would be best for you.

If you are a representative of a business or organization interested in my business offerings, please inquire directly at, or book a free consult using the link above or on the Contact page.  

Private Session Checkout Form

Select an item

Clicking this button will take you to the payment page.  After you submit your payment, an automatic email will be sent to you with a booking link for you to schedule your Session directly in my calendar 🙂

Thanks for your order - I look forward to connecting with you!

Private Session Checkout
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