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Super-Sensory Abilities: How to Unlock Yours!
It’s not just for “gifted” individuals; we all have the ability to access our innate super-senses!

Register now to receive the EARLY BIRD BONUS!

Register now to receive the EARLY BIRD BONUS!
✨Registration is now open! Course begins July 18!✨
An interactive course on unlocking your super-sensory abilities!
This course will give you a solid understanding of how super-sensory & ‘psychic’ abilities work, what impacts your ability to access your super senses, and more importantly, how to open up access to these innate abilities.
Includes live personal readings for all participants, insight for your specific energetic makeup, and Q&A with each class.
Did you know that you have dormant abilities that are waiting to be accessed and explored?
Do you:
sometimes get goosebumps or your hair standing on end when you hear something ‘true’?
sometimes just know things, but can’t explain how you know them?
sometimes see images in your mind’s eye but they quickly disappear?
ever find yourself thinking of your friend right before they call you?
And yet, maybe you’ve tried to hear your Guides but all you get is “crickets”??
If you’re reading this, then now is the time to begin remembering who you truly are…a spiritual being and not limited to the physical senses within the body. You have the ability to access abilities of your greater consciousness and multi-dimensional self; to access those parts of you that aren’t limited by the physical body’s sensory organs.
All humans are born with innate abilities, even if unaware of their existence...
This is a special invite for you to begin awakening your own higher, super-sensory abilities now!
In this 4-week course you will:
Validate your experiences and receive clarification on what’s occurring for you right now
Finally understand why even though you desire to use your intuitive & super-sensory abilities, you feel like you don’t make progress or get the results that you’d like to
Discover the connection between your early life experiences and your super-sensory abilities today
Learn the common tendencies of so many ‘sensitive’ individuals that prevents them from accessing their greatest gifts
Gain a clear understanding of where to begin for you, and the steps to take to begin accessing your own super sensory abilities now!
Receive a personal, detailed reading & energy body scan to discover what your personal biggest block to accessing more of your super-sensory ability is right now
Be guided through Self-Assessment Exercises to reveal how much of your super-sensory abilities you are currently accessing and which ones
Be guided through Training Exercises to boost your ability to receive super-sensory information right away
Get your questions answered, and so much more!
✨Registration now open! Course begins July 18!✨
What's included in A Course in Super-Sensory Abilities:
How to Unlock Yours!
Live Class 1 with Q&A: All About Super-Sensory Abilities ✨ - July 18
What exactly is Clairsentience and how is it used when high-functioning? What are the different forms of Clairvoyance? We will have a fascinating discussion about super-sensory abilities plus you will be guided through an exercise to reveal which super sensory abilities you’re already accessing and maybe don’t realize it yet!
In this class:
We will dive right in to learn about the major super-senses or intuitive gateways most commonly known - Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance… We will be covering each of these; what exactly they are, the many variations and expressions of each one and how your individual nature plays a part in their expression
We will discuss the ways in which super-sensory information shows up in everyday life, and how it may be expressing in your life currently, as well as discuss what’s possible with each one when high-functioning
We will cover important terms and concepts essential for understanding super-sensory abilities and how they “what is subtle energy?” and “where is the ‘information’ coming from?”
I’ll guide you through a Super-Sensory Ability Self-Assessment exercise to reveal if you are already accessing some of your super-sensory abilities, and if so, which ones you are accessing most right now!
Q&A time at end.
Live Class 2 with Q&A: What Determines Your Super-Sensory Ability? ✨ - July 25
It’s not random! And it’s not that some are just “born with it” and others just aren’t. Find out why some people seem to be “naturally gifted” with certain super-sensory abilities and others don’t feel like they have any at all, despite wanting to. In this revealing and enlightening class you will:
Discover what gets in the way of us using our natural gifts and the role our early childhood and life experience plays in this
Learn about why you might not think you have any super-sensory abilities or why you may experience some psychic phenomena at times but not more
Begin to recognize when and how information comes through these super senses (we’ll be covering specific examples and scenarios to help you recognize when you’re accessing super-sensory information, and validate past experiences you may have had already!)
Find out what determines the level and quality of the information you receive
Learn the most common reasons AND biggest mistakes made that prevent you from accessing your super-sensory abilities and spiritual gifts
Finally understand where you may be “blocking” your own gifts from coming through - I’ll share with you the most common “blocks” to using your super-abilities, and also reveal how to recognize when you are in “resistance” mode, so you can course-correct
Q&A time at end.
Live Class 3: Personal Energy Field Scan + Intuitive Readings Live Call ✨ - August 3
Receive personal insight into what’s getting in the way of you accessing more of your super-sensory abilities!
During this live call, I will tune into your energy field and identify your #1 block to accessing more of your super-sensory abilities right now.
Each participant in the course will receive a detailed personal reading at this time to discover where you uniquely hold blocks or resistance to accessing more of your innate abilities.
Just this one reading can immediately bring light & new awareness in about yourself and energetic makeup, and transform your perspective of yourself and what’s possible for you.
Everyone in the course will receive an energy scan and personal reading!
Live Class 4 with Q&A: How to Unlock Your Super-Sensory Abilities ✨ - August 10
In this powerful class you will learn about the most effective way to unlock your super- sensory abilities and higher gifts and become who you really are - and who you are meant to be now. How accessing more of your multi-dimensional nature via your super-sensory abilities will assist you to re-member more of your true Soul Nature.
In this super empowering class:
I will share with you the Ultimate Guidance System Framework - a clear, proven Framework and practical approach to unlocking your own higher super-sensory abilities and gifts of the Soul (and it’s not meditating or practicing all day!)
You will begin to clearly understand what needs to occur within both your energetic body AND physical body to unlock your super-sensory abilities and gifts, and begin to apply the Ultimate Guidance System Framework right away
You will learn and practice the foundational 4 Key Steps (of the 12 Steps to Dramatically Boost Psychic Results) to increase success when practicing receiving information through your super-senses, as well as how these steps work. These steps get overlooked by the vast majority of those trying to develop their intuitive abilities
Be guided through Training Exercises to put into practice the first 4 Key Steps (mentioned above) live, during the class! Begin to notice the “before and after” difference right away
Importantly and excitingly, you’ll discover where to start and how to begin opening up your own super-sensory abilities!
Plus, receive personal guidance for your unique situation - at the end of this class I will open up extended Q&A time to answer questions and offer personal readings, guidance & insight on next steps for you. 💖
What else is included:
Recordings of all classes, Q&A’s and Personal Readings
If you can't make a class live, no problem - the recordings will be available and posted for you within a few hours of the live class! All classes for this course will begin at 11:00 am PST / 2:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CET
Plus - Retrain Your Brain to Become Aware of Subtle Energy, audio for download ✨
In this audio mini-teaching + guided exercise, learn about the brain's involvement in your ability to feel energy, and how you can re-train your brain to bring more information into conscious awareness.
Includes a guided exercise to start the process of retraining your brain to become more aware of subtle energy.
Have a journal handy to record what you notice!
(32 min. Downloadable Audio MP3)
Note: This program will meet you where you’re at. Whether you consider yourself a beginner at using your super-sensory abilities or are already using your abilities but want to see how far you can take them, I’ll be able to meet you where you’re at and assist you to step into that next level of your potential!
Regular Price/Value: $649
✨Special limited-time only price: $ 97.00 !✨
I am offering this course at a crazy low price as this is foundational understanding that you really need to have; I want you to understand your own relationship with your own psychic gifts!
I will be doing this round live and then making the course recording available for purchase later. So catch the course live to take advantage of the Q&A sessions & assistance with the exercises!

Godelieve has a tremendous gift with her ability to see how her client’s are running their subtle energies and her coaching techniques are so comforting and supportive. My clairsentient, clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities have increased dramatically. I am thrilled I took this course and learned a lot that will assist me in serving others in my own coaching business. I have learned so much about my own energy and myself in this class! -Peggy H.
Godelieve's knowledge and insight into each of us was quite amazing!!!
She was able to coach those who were having difficulties by tuning into them and showing them their blockages. I recommend any course by Godelieve to anyone wishing to better their connection with source and our new reality!!! -Glen C.
Since i took Godelieve's program i feel more empowered and safe to open my clairsentient gifts and to use them with confidence. Godelieve is a very devoted mentor who was dedicated to ensuring we received the individual attention we needed... She is compassionate and wise and created a safe and non-judgemental environment in which I felt safe to open up and explore my feeling abililty. -Natasha M.
Working with Godelieve has jumpstarted the new awareness and expansion I was sensing that wanted to come in. She immediately and accurately hones in onto what's standing in the way of further growth and proceeds to shifting it into a source of strength. All the while holding the space with integrity and unconditional love.
-Florentine Bisschops
My 3 months of mentorship with Godelieve has been mystical and so magical! My increased awareness and perception of myself was supported by her open heart and ability to see all of me and what I needed to grow. This has been an amazing experience that I would highly recommend to others looking to find themselves. You will see yourself in a whole new way while opening your heart space to receive. Godelieve is truly a gift and I am feeling very Blessed for having met will too! -Penny White
I enjoyed every single session of my private mentoring with Godelieve! In every single session I learned so much, and so much shifted I can’t even describe…!”
-Heidi Minervino
Godelieve is a true master with energy, a true source of info, very generous and knowledgable. She took my clairsentient ability to the next level with her amazing program!
-Y.M., Ottawa, Canada
"Of all the wonderful tools gained in Godelieve's program, my favourite was learning how to anchor my optimal grounding in an instant! Godelieve is extremely patient and excellent at reading energy; she delivers a program that meets one's highest needs..
I would highly recommend taking any course with Godelieve that your heart feels drawn to."
- Cindy Finlay, Focus on Wellness