You see, the Divine will happen regardless.
For years I assisted / worked with people and never got paid for it. It was outside my business. Spirit doesn’t care whether we get paid to fulfill our mission or not lol. I had to get to a point where i really was like ‘what the hell’ I need to make this my business and get paid for the value i offer. I was seeing such truly amazing results and transformations in the people i worked with, and success in their businesses. And i was also seeing that I wasn’t experiencing that! lol. It was quite striking the moment i finally realized / hit me that the people I was helping were making more money than i was. That was a turning point for me. i pointed me int eh direction of …. It showed me that I needed to address my subconscious beliefs about money, and specifically about me and money. I was attracting clients and really helping clients, and they loved working with me,
It was time for me to start living abundantly. To remove the limitations. To be able to feel secure and safe in the world. To not have to worry about having enough money to be able to support myself and do the things that I wanted to do. To be able to step out and reach the people I wanted to help and were in fact waiting for me to do so.
You see, the Divine will happen regardless.
This is where i came from, before i broke through my limiting beliefs about…: