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Quiet Forest

Godelieve Willer

Multi-Channel Intuitive & Divine Potential Activator

Entrepreneurs and Biz Owners are a different breed. 

Entrepreneurship is NOT for the faint of heart...  
"If you are on this path, then you are a Brave Soul, dear One. "

When you decided to be an entrepreneur or run your own business, did you know that you were also signing up for one of the Universe's most intense and rigorous opportunities for self-development and spiritual evolution?

Why is that when you think about your vision for your business, it feels so good and inspiring... but when you're in it, it often feels a lot like struggle and maybe even impossible to achieve your desired outcome at times? 

  • Do you sometimes feel alone or that you're not like most other people in business?

  • That you can't do what you would really love to do because no one will want it?

  • Are you unsure if you have anything unique or special to offer? 

  • Do you sometimes feel confused about your business, where you are taking it or where your focus should be?

  • Do you feel like you can't always be your True Self in business because you won't be accepted if you are? 

  • Do you feel like you are ready to move into a greater level of living your purpose work now?

  • Do you sense that something is calling you into a bigger version of yourself, to have a greater reach and impact in the world or in your community? Are you ready to step into this now? Would it feel good to have support in stepping into this new role? 

If you've ever experienced any of the above, then more of the Divine YOU is ready to express in your life right now... It is Your Difference that is needed in the world in order to make THE difference!

  • How would it feel to be powerfully clear on what you TRULY want, and WHO you want to BE in the World? 

  • To live and work with your Heart and Mind fully aligned, leading from your authentic True Self?

  • What would it be like to feel joy both outside of and inside your work? To be a true Leader that your team looks up to? To have confidence like you've never known before. 

  • To feel so grateful for the opportunity to have a positive impact on the lives of others? To have clients and customers who love what you do and are so thankful for your offerings? 

  • What if you had an exciting path to lead you there, and unwavering support from someone who has your best interest in mind and Heart, and who is committed to empowering you to reach your greatest potential? 

Would you like to have a more rewarding business or career?

Are you ready to:  

  • Have crystal-clear clarity on your purpose and how you can weave it into your business, starting now

  • Discover your greatest assets and your unique abilities and learn how to use them to advantage in your business

  • Feel empowered to know exactly what you stand for, what your values are, and what your biggest driving motivation is?

  • Release the blocks holding you back in order to allow clarity, excitement and evolution in your business like never before?

  • Feel confident in your unique Value that only you have to offer the world

  • Experience the satisfying feeling of knowing that you are contributing your unique piece of the puzzle in this Mind, Heart and Soul aligned? 

  • Experience Joy and excitement - that joy and excitement for life that gets you eager to get out of bed each morning 

Are you ready to let go of fears, doubts, hesitation and self-sabatoging behaviours, (and discover where they came from and finally dismantle them), so you can take back your power and step into the greater vision that is calling you forth now?   

Getting to the Heart of your business inevitably means getting to the Heart of You. The Heart of your business is a reflection of the Heart of YOU. 

Find out... 

What really drives you, and what you and your business need in order to thrive

What gets in the way of achieving your big goals and vision for your future, and how to remove those obstacles 


Priceless knowledge about your uniqueness and how you uniquely operate

Clarity on your purpose, renewed passion and excitement for your business and/or personal projects 


Practical tools, teachings, templates, coaching, personal guidance & support, more

A roadmap for up-levelling your business and life! 

Unveil your hidden talents and abilities!...

We ALL have them, but few of us actually intimately and consciously tap into them. You will be amazed when you become aware of your own special abilities! One of the most fun aspects of working with me. 

"I catalyse break-throughs and ahas. I identify and bring out hidden gifts & talents. I teach tools. I create a bridge for the ready ones to take to the next level of their true expression so that they can step into their highest potential."  I help people let go of who they are not, and help them open up to who they truly are."

Dissolve what's been holding you back...and activate your unique purpose & abilities now!

Most people ignore who they are in their business and the why of their business (this causes confusion and misalignment of action) and focus soley on the doing. But who you are be-ing is a critical key aspect. 

Do you want to go through your entire life just doing the movements but not ever knowing who you are and why you are here?

Your business is a reflection of your beliefs, values, fears, motivations and intentions, both conscious and sub-conscious. 

Imagine how it would feel to live in complete alignment of your authentic true Self, free of apprehensions, fear, worry and self-judgement... step into your True Power...and the purpose-led and joy-filled life that is waiting for you...  

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